
Real Estate Agent Selection Factors

Rank each item by importance to you. WARNING: Not all of these criteria will leave you with the most money in your pocket. Some of them are, quite frankly, common Seller traps. Read on for more information.

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Your Home Sold in Your Time Frame or I will pay You $1000!

How to Sell Your Home in Your Time Frame and For Top Dollar Claim Your FREE Special Report by completing the form on this page. A new report has just been released which reveals 7 costly mistakes that most homeowners make when selling their home, and a 9 Step System that can help you sell […]

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Your Home is Guaranteed to Sell

Your Home is Guaranteed to Sell at a Price Acceptable to YOU or I’ll Buy It for Cash!* Claim Your Guaranteed Offer by Completing the Form on This Page. While many agents will promise to sell your home, the reality of the real estate market is that this simply doesn’t always happen. Even if the […]

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Seller Cancellation Guarantee

“We are so confident that our real estate system will work for you, that we guarantee you the right to cancel your Listing Agreement at any time prior to receiving an offer to purchase your home, with no penalties or obligations, if you feel our service doesn’t live up to our promise.” To discuss the […]

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